Family Ministry


Nursery care is provided during the Sunday morning service and select special events for infants and children up to 4 years old. All nursery workers have years of experience and are certified to provide the best care for your child. Pagers are given to each parent for peace of mind and are used in case of an emergency or to notify the parents of an inconsolable baby.

Nursery Availability:

- Sundays from 8:45 AM to 12 Noon

- Wednesdays from 5:45 to 7:45 PM 

*Nursery is also available for infants and toddlers during special church events.

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The Children’s Ministry is for children PreK through 5th grades. Our Children’s Ministry Team love children and love sharing Christ with them. We believe God created the family unit to train and nurture the next generation of believers and our Children’s Ministry is here to assist our families in doing just that. 

9:15am - 10:15am - Kids Kingdom Sunday School - PreK - 5th

10:30am - Worship in the Sanctuary - PreK - 3rd dismissed for Children's Church after the Children's Moment

In both options we provide a time of Worship through singing, dancing, and prayer. We also provide a Bible Lesson to learn more about Jesus. We do all of this through interactive lessons, creative activities, and games. We give children a chance to learn in hands-on ways for the purpose of deepening their faith in Christ. 

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We love coming together on Wednesday Nights! Where Adults, Youth, and Kids connect. We enjoy the fellowship and mid-week pick me up with Bible study, food, and fun!

Every Wednesday Night from 6:00-7:30 PM: 

We meet every Wednesday Night in the Living Room for a Potluck Dinner from 6:00-6:30 PM, then break out for Small Group Time as follows:

- Adults in the Living Room – Currently led by Pastor Jason 

- Youth (6th-12th) in the Family Room – Led by The Youth Leader Team
-Kids (PreK-5th) in Kids Kingdom – Led by Cecilee Withrow

*Nursery is available for Infants to 3 years.

Join our Midweek Connection Group on GroupMe 


FPC Believers Youth Group is a ministry intended for young people, ages 11 to 18, from 6th grade up to 12th grade.  The purpose of our youth ministry program is to disciple young people, nurturing a deepening relationship with Christ, studying God's Word together, and growing in the faith. We want to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world and be part of God's transforming, healing work in our community.

Unless otherwise indicated in the bulletin or church calendar we meet as follows:

- Sundays from 9:15 to 10:15 AM in the Family Room

- Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 PM in the Family Room

We occasionally skip a meeting here or there due to calendar conflicts or circumstances. Watch for special events that happen outside of regular Sunday and Wednesday gatherings like: Rock-the-Universe, Lock-ins, Summer Retreats, trips to the beach, family bowling nights, escape rooms, game nights, pool parties, picnics, scavenger hunts, movie nights, and water balloon battles. We also minister to the congregation and community by hosting/serving church dinners, helping widows and widowers, assisting our senior citizens, greeting or ushering on Sunday mornings, etc.

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Stay Connected via the
FPC Parent Group on GroupMe

For any parents with children in our Believers Youth Group or Kids Kingdom that want to know of events happening or if you have any questions.

Click Here

Student Medical Emergency Release Form

Parents of children under 18 should complete, sign, and have this form notarized if they would like their children or youths to join us for off campus trips and various off campus activities.

2025 SMERF

Volunteer Opportunities 

Would you like to be a volunteer for our Family Ministries here at FPC? 
Please fill out the form below and return it to the office.

Volunteer Form